Category: Windows VPS Hosting

Windows Shared Hosting for Dummies

Windows Shared Hosting is great for personal and business use! You can even 1 click install WordPress! Find out more advantages of using a shared server! Choosing the right hosting plan may not sound like an important decision, but it actually is. Even a small mess could result in massive downtime and loss of business. There are plenty of solutions on the market, and siding with the right one might have a significant impact. One of the critical factors to consider when choosing your shared hosting is the operating system. Most computers run on Windows OS, so Windows-based servers are...
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Disaster Recovery 101 – Fully Automated

The Unexpected How long can your business survive without an online presence? How much money is lost every minute your site(s) are down? These are questions every business should be asking. If you don’t think the unexpected could happen, just look what COVID19 did. While that didn’t negatively impact the Cloud, its the most recent example of how easy our lives can be turned upside down. Between natural disasters, man-made ones, major internet failures, and many other reasons why your site(s) might catastrophically fail, it’s really only a matter of time before your number is up. The Plan At Hostek,...
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Cloud Security 101: The Building Blocks

Cloud security 101

Block1: Admit you have a Problem. If someone asked you, “How do you know your server’s aren’t being exploited, right now?”. How would you respond? The truth is, most businesses don’t even find out until after the major credit card processors have called. Hundreds of credit cards making fraud purchases that were all tracked back to one business. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t like that feeling, knowing I was contributing to an underground criminal ring. These credit card processors can virtually shut you down, stopping all payments until you can prove to them the situation has been...
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What Makes Gartner So Good?

Gartner Vendor Briefing Hostek - On VPS Hosting Services

What is Gartner? How do they develop the Gartner Magic Quadrant? This can be somewhat of a mystery. Businesses covet to be included on their trusted annual report. We will share what we have learned from becoming a partner. Why trust a Gartner Analyst? Companies need a trusted source for products that are “best” in the market. They use Gartner for this. To gain the wealth of expertise from their collective knowledge.  Hostek is now also working with Gartner. We presented ourselves to the Analyst in our market Douglas Toombs team as part of the on boarding process. Gartner provides valuable feedback to partners! First off, when...
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