Category: Hosting

SAN Storage – It’s what makes cloud hosting ROCK SOLID..

Over the years at Hostek, we have tested different server and storage options. Our earliest hosting was powered by custom built servers. In the beginning this was an economical option for us. Within a few years and after hundreds of hours laboring to restore files due to failed hard drives and components we decided to use Dell servers and never looked back. Having Dell servers almost eliminated the problematic issues we had with custom-built servers. Having better servers was not good enough so over the next 2-3 years we tested many complementary products, such as EMC appliances and Opensource SAN...
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Why Choose VPS over Shared Hosting?

Today you can find many low-priced hosting options and in most cases that means you’ll be hosting on a shared server. Shared meaning one host OS or “Server” with many clients, each with their own folder or directory. That is a great choice for a the majority because shared hosting is very affordable @ $2-$10/month – for example a small website or a blog that gets light to medium traffic. The decision to move to a VPS server should be driven by requirements and not by inaccurate information or assumptions. Performance Requirements As a preventative measure to keep one site...
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What Makes Good Cloud VPS Hosting Maintenance?

One of the most appealing things about cloud hosting is its ease of use. Even though the underlying infrastructure that supports your virtual private server is “in the cloud,” the server of a cloud VPS hosting plan behaves just like a server in any other VPS hosting plan. At the same time, cloud VPS hosting delivers unique benefits in terms of performance and uptime, without adding to your workload. But a cloud infrastructure is complex. Although your workload does not change when you switch to a cloud VPS hosting plan, your hosting provider should spend time and resources on establishing...
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Take Advantage of Our On-Demand VPS Hosting Support

Most webmasters and web developers who choose virtual private server hosting (VPS hosting) are in the growth stages of their business. If you are a VPS hosting user, you probably have some experience with web hosting, know how to get your website online, and are willing and able to maintain your website on a day-to-day basis. But even as a more advanced hosting user, there will inevitably be occasions when you need additional support from your VPS hosting provider. Whether you have encountered a problem with your server or just need some expert advice, most hosting providers offer a wide...
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