Category: Developers

How To Produce Killer Work And Why That Matters Most

We can compare the various development languages and never come to the conclusion of one being better than all the rest. As we’ve enjoyed the sessions at devObjective() this year I’ve concluded developing great work supersedes language preference. The enlightening truth about positively approaching problems with the attitude of producing something great frees us from single mindedness. It’s almost depressing to fear that one language will out take another. In honesty we should be open to learning something new, even if it means we’re departing with something we like. Interest Often Starts With Problem Solving As with most support techs when first...
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Steps to Guarantee You Get The Most Out Of Conferences

Almost everyone I know enjoys attending conferences. Some for the fun, some for the learning. Your guaranteed to get more out of every conference you attend with 3 simple steps. If your sponsoring, I’ve got 4 steps for you too. Before anyone asks “So what did you get out of the event?” we will have the answer for them. And they will wonder why you look so refreshed. Some of the Hostek team is packing up this week preparing to travel to Minneapolis for the devObjective() 2015 conference. We have sponsored several years previously. The team with Best Meetings does a...
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New Feature of Coldfusion 10 Allows You to Dynamically Load Java Libraries

In the old days of ColdFusion if you wanted to access a 3rd party Java library (JAR or class files) you had a couple options: 1. Add the location of the library to the ColdFusion classpath -or- 22. Use something like JavaLoader ( to dynamically load Java libraries into your ColdFusion application. ColdFusion 10, however, makes it even easier to load Java libraries into your ColdFusion application without having to restart ColdFusion. All that’s required is your application define the ‘THIS.javaSettings’ attribute within the site’s Application.cfc like below: [code] <cfset THIS.javaSettings = {LoadPaths = [“/javafiles/”],reloadOnChange=true,watchInterval=30}/> [/code] The above code will...
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Why Choose VPS over Shared Hosting?

Today you can find many low-priced hosting options and in most cases that means you’ll be hosting on a shared server. Shared meaning one host OS or “Server” with many clients, each with their own folder or directory. That is a great choice for a the majority because shared hosting is very affordable @ $2-$10/month – for example a small website or a blog that gets light to medium traffic. The decision to move to a VPS server should be driven by requirements and not by inaccurate information or assumptions. Performance Requirements As a preventative measure to keep one site...
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